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Rebuadioside-A 98% Stevia Extract

1 Kilo gram of rebaudiana-a 98% stevia powder in Jar

Rebaudioside A 98%, the main component of Steviol Glycoside, is accepted by consumers due to its safe, zero calories, clear, and sweet taste with no significant undesirable characteristics. 

Rebaudioside-A, also known as Reb-A or Rebaudiana-A, is a highly popular and cost-effective formula.  The more purified and concentrated it is, the less bitter and sweeter it tastes. While Reb-A and Reb-M share similar advantages, the difference lies in the percentage found in the stevia leaf. Stevia leaf contains 5% Rebaudioside-A, while Rebaudioside-M is only found in 0.1%. This formula can be filtered and purified up to 99%, making it more expensive than Stevioside. It can be up to 400 times sweeter than sugar.


Advantage of Rebaudioside-A 98%;


  • Its safe, zero calories, clear, and sweet taste with no significant undesirable characteristics. 

  • The high solubility of Reb-A at 24° C. in water of about 25 - 45 gm rebaudioside A/per 100 gm water allows it to be used in applications such as syrups and concentrates.

  • ​Highly stable in ultra-high temperature.

  • Researcher show that it has many physiological functions, such as anti-hypertension, anti-diabetes, and prevent tooth decay.

  • It is used in carbonated and still beverages like soft drink preparations, fruit juice, milk, dairy products such as yogourt, ice cream and frozen desserts, confectionery, including hard candy, chewing gums and mints. It is also used in cereal products and, as a table-top sweetener. â€‹

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